Judy MasonMuse

Judy Mason

Jewelry, Art, Voice-over, Graphic Designer, Writer, Animator

Ruby RedOpal Oval

Wire-Wrapped Jewelry

Wire-wrap, or wire-wrapped jewelry is one of the more ancient yet still popular hand-fabricated techniques of jewelry design. It utilizes tools such as round nose, flat nose pliers, vices and wire cutters to cut, shape, bind and twist wire. There are certain basic characteristics that define wire. They include:

  • Wire malleability - full hard, half-hard and dead soft are the names given to the least and most flexible wire (respectively).
  • Wire thickness or diameter - is measured in gauges. The larger the number the thinner the wire. For example, 34-gauge wire is one of the thinnest gauges and is often used like thread (i.e., in weaving). 26-gauge wire is thicker again, but still quite thin, and is typically used for beading or stringing beads. 10-gauge wire, on the other hand, is one of thickest.
  • Wire shapes - there are four shapes: round, half-round, square and twisted.
  • Wire materials - precious to semi-precious materials. Composed of pure metals or composite metals such as as copper, brass, silver or gold. Composite examples include gold-filled or sterling silver wire.
  • Colored wire - color-coated copper wire (also known as Enameled Copper Wire) is available in many hues of the color spectrum (i.e., green, red an blue).

Read more about other types of jewelry including: Costume Jewelry

Jewelry Online

To find the best jewelry choices, take a moment to browse my site or inquire about desired pieces, and contact me at jmason@judymason.net and I will assist you with selection, pricing and purchasing. Manufacturer inquiries are also welcome.